I believe business can be both enjoyed and profitable.
And that's what I do here. Support you in gaining clarity so you can create a profitable business that impacts your life and the lives of others.
My mission is to provide Creative Entrepreneurs practical and actionable training so they can build and develop their own profitable businesses.
How do I know it’s possible for YOU?
Not only have I been here myself and built a business from scratch, all while being terrified that I was crazy, but I also built it into a highly profitable piece of my legacy. Then..... I built another one.
2022 was the year I began to take my experience of being a Creative Entrepreneur (Astrologer) and put it together with my knowledge of business to start helping others gain clarity around their business and make their business profitable as well.
Now I want to help YOU. With mentorship, we go farther faster.

I definitely didn't just ARRIVE here! Quite the opposite! I made a ton of mistakes first.....
Growing up, I literally used to say that people who owned their own businesses we stupid and crazy! I was an intuitive, talkative, artsy kid and simply couldn't image why anyone would take on owning a company when they couldn't guarantee their financial security. Instead, I thought I'd better become a doctor or a lawyer, so something "realistic and stable," but there was always this nagging feeling deep within me that said, "You just wait. You'll meet your own destiny soon enough!"
The child of a hard working parents (shout out to my Folks), I was taught that a steady job and paycheck were the ticket to the American Dream—and I bought in.
I wanted it all—the power, the corner office, the big paycheck, and a closet full of luxury bags. So I did the things you’re “supposed” to do: I worked my butt off and did my traditional academic schooling, so I could be safe and get a job that would guarantee me a job until retirement.
By the time I was 21, the Universe had kicked me into Radio Broadcasting and I was from the outside, I was “making it “— you know surviving. I had a place to live, some incredible experiences, and life was ok.
On the inside though, I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. I was tired of the
missed family time, and just knew there was something else
for me. I knew there was a different financial and legacy reality
available to me.
At 30 I had a HUGE spiritual awakening and
rearrangement that rocketed me into my next adventure.
I’ve been on this entrepreneurial journey for the past 10 years. It’s has had it's roller coaster moments. Full of highs and lows, if there is a mistake, I have made it, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, because as a former 9-5 employee, it was clear that I was living someone's dream (while try to just be grateful)—not mine. But I'm grateful for the time I spent there, it gave me the courage to take the leap and build something of my own.
And while I wanted to be safe and secure and make my parents proud, I realized I I was being called to do it another way. The Universe called and I responded!
So I went all in and started my own business.,or rather, businesses: First sharing the beautiful language of Astrology by teaching, and now Coaching through my Business School.
(Remember when I told you I didn’t have an overnight success story?)
I was building something differently than most of the people I was around at the time!
I started a business on Youtube then grew it to a larger online space! I was able to build my business while still working at my full-time job and make enough to quit my day job in less than a year.
No matter your starting point, everyone can and should have the opportunity to achieve their goals. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and coaching to achieve success and bring your vision to life.
Today I can show you how to build a better future for yourself. Here, you'll get the step-by-step strategies, resources, and best practices to help you create a business and lifestyle you love.
My goal is to inspire you and show you that anything is possible.

I’ve just completed Stormie Grace’s Business Development Group workshop and I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone wanting to realize their business vision and goals. Stormie expertly blends astrological knowledge
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Hello Entrepreneur Soulmates!
I'm Dr. Stormie Grace, and I used to think entrepreneurs were a bit crazy... until I realized I was one of them! Now, I run two successful businesses that will leave my legacy, and I'm here to show you how to do the same.
With a Doctorate in business management, specializing in Organizational Design and Development, I've journeyed from Colorado to Spain, where I now live with my family, happy plants, and bougie dog, Brody.
Let's blend the professional with the personal as we navigate entrepreneurship together. Join me in shaping our legacies and finding success, one conversation at a time.